Using AlQarsshi products is super easy. Here’s how to get the best results:


1. Face Mask

  • Begin with a clean canvas – wash your face and pat dry.
  • Thoroughly mix the powder in the bottle with milk or yogurt until you get a smooth consistency.
  • Apply a generous layer of the mask, avoiding your delicate eye area.
  • Time to kick back for 20 minutes. Put on your favorite playlist or catch up on your
  • latest binge-watch.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry. Hello, refreshed skin!


2. Face Scrub

  • Wet your face with warm water to open those pores.
  • Mix the material in the bottle with milk or yogurt until it’s well blended.
  • Massage a small amount of the scrub onto your skin using gentle, circular motions.
  • Let it work its magic for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off thoroughly and pat your face dry. Say hello to silky-smooth skin!


3. Skin Glowing Powder

  • After cleansing and moisturizing, you’re ready for the glow-up!
  • Mix a small amount of the cream powder with milk until it forms a creamy consistency.
  • Focus on those areas you want to highlight – cheekbones, brow bones, you name it!
  • Blend it in like a pro for a natural, radiant finish that’ll turn heads.

While our products are packed with natural goodness, they can still trigger
allergies in some people. Be sure to test a patch on your inner elbow and leave
it for thirty minutes. If any irritation occurs, discontinue use.